There she goes again.
That annoying voice in your head that tells you:
You’re not worthy. You don’t deserve love. You have no purpose for even being here.
Sometimes you do a pretty good job of ignoring her.
But then there are days when you let her get the best of you. You start believing her.
And once you start believing her, you start talking like her. Then you start acting like her: negative, judgmental and critical of everything and everybody.
Before you know it, you become the girl nobody likes. As a matter of fact, you don’t even like yourself.
And to just think: It all started with a thought. A thought that spiraled out of control because you allowed it. You entertained it when you should have challenged it.
Sometimes you have to encourage YOURSELF.
Everybody has days when we don’t feel our best. And the only way to combat those feelings is to challenge the thoughts that come to hold you back instead of soaking them all in.
You have to replace those thoughts with the truth: You are special. You are loved. You are worthy.
Seriously, think about it. Out of all the millions of sperm that your father carried, YOU MADE IT HERE.
Out of all of the miscarriages, abortions and still-born births, YOU MADE IT HERE. Out of all the female reproductive problems, pre-mature deaths and tubular pregnancies, YOU MADE IT HERE.
No one else has your DNA, your fingerprints or your outer ear shape. No one else can do what you do, the way that you do it.
It’s time to celebrate YOU.
And if you need help getting started, check out this aaaamazing message from the Anima Series that left me totally captivated.