Just a few short days ago, we ended another year. While some are excited and hopeful over everything they’ve been able to accomplish in the past 365 days, others are full of regrets over things that did or did not happen the way they wanted them to.
Perhaps they’re struggling with thoughts of how they managed to let another year slip by and leave them in the same place—financially, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
No progress whatsoever.
Perhaps they want the love they’ve always dreamed of or the resources to go back to school.
All of these disappointments can lead to feelings of discouragement more than hopefulness about the New Year.
If this is you, I want you to know that you are not alone. Countless of people feel the same way you do and countless of others have been there, done that and overcame every hardship they faced. They beat life at its own game and when they couldn’t win, they changed the rules.
And if you’re still breathing, it’s not too late for you to do the same. There is still time for you and God to change your situation around, IF you refuse to give up.
God can’t work through someone whose hands are folded. Proverbs 24:33-34
I do hereby challenge you to do something different if you want something different in your life. Here are 3 steps to help you keep your resolutions and make this year the best ever.
- Make a quality decision. It’s time to stop playing games with your own life. Whether you need to let go of a harmful habits, get cleansed from your EX or get your finances together- the time is NOW.
You know, in your heart, when you get up in the mornings, whether or not you intend to accomplish everything you need to do. You also know whether or not you will find an excuse that protects you from the responsibility of doing the work.
“Excuses are nothing more than well-dressed lies that we use to stay safe, lazy, and stagnant or to blame others for our circumstances.
So, stop lying to yourself. Either you want a better life with new beginnings, OR you’re satisfied with the same disappointing, mediocre, mundane existence that occurs with each passing day. If you want something different, take baby steps to make it happen. No one else can do it for you. No one else can show up and do what needs to be done in order for you to live the life of your dreams. Only you can make the difference!
What have you got to lose, except another year?
Think about it. This time next year, do you want to be in the same place you’re in right now, OR do you want to see real progress?
2. Pray and really learn what it means to trust God. This is a huge step for most Christians. Because it’s easier to believe in God, than it is to BELIEVE God.
Will he really do what He promised? And if so, what’s taking so long? If he did it for your best friend, will he do it for you? Does He really love you unconditionally? Has He forgiven you for your past mistakes? Is He so busy that your prayer requests have gotten lost in the pile?
If you’re still asking any or all of those questions, you may need to examine your level of faith.
When we have faith in something or someone, we have to get to a point where we know that they will keep their word no matter what. And when we have confidence in their word, we can rest assured knowing that even though we don’t know when it will happen, it will happen.
Your level of faith can increase each time you read your Bible, go to church, make Biblical confessions, listen to the testimonies of others, talk to and build your own personal relationship with God. It doesn’t happen overnight, but with consistency, it does happen.
3. After you done all of the above, stop obsessing over the future and start living today. A few days ago, I had a session with a client who was depressed over not being able to go out whenever she wanted to because she didn’t have a babysitter.
I was quick to remind her that she was currently in a different season of her life that wouldn’t last forever. Before she had kids, she was able to fully enjoy the married life of traveling, dating and partying as much as she wanted to, because she and her husband had been married around 10 years before God blessed them with their first child.
They were the envy of all of their friends who had already become parents. They had the opportunity to enjoy married life to the fullest for several years before having children.
And to my surprise, she was quick to notify me that they did anything but that.
They spent so many of those childless years, praying and hoping for children, that they forgot to really enjoy that time. They spent those years longing for the next season of their life so they didn’t really enjoy the present season.
And now that they have 2 small kids, they are longing for the next season: to be parents of self-sufficient teenagers.
And I have a feeling that as soon as they are parents of teenagers, they’ll either long for the good ol’ days when their kids were cute and cuddly or they’ll long for the next season when they are empty nesters.
Isn’t that just like human nature? We’re so busy focusing on what’s next that we can’t enjoy what’s now.
I don’t even have to wonder have many single people are so busy planning weddings – even though they don’t have a prospect in sight, or how many professionals are driven by the next step on the ladder that they can’t enjoy what they’ve already accomplished.
Enough already!
Life is a gift meant to be enjoyed every single day that you receive it, no matter if you’re: rich or poor, tall or short, fat or skinny, black or white, single or married.
If God has blessed you with life, then ride it til the wheels fall off.
Ecclesiastes 3:13, People should eat and drink and enjoy the fruits of their labor, for these are gifts from God.
Matthew 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Today has enough trouble of its own.