No relationship is perfect because relationships are made up of humans, and no human is perfect. But toxic relationships take imperfection to another level.
A toxic relationship happens between two people who don’t support each other but undermine each other’s efforts to exist. There is consistent jealousy, competition, and disrespect. There are more negative moments than positive moments.
Toxic relationships consist of people who truly want to love and to be loved for who they are, but the residue of their past keeps getting in the way and blocking their good intentions—whether they know it or not.
Toxic relationships are stressful and can be mentally, emotionally, and sometimes physically draining. If you’re still not sure whether or not your relationship is toxic, check out these warning signs:
- You’re not yourself. You should grow and get better each day. A toxic relationship hinders your progression spiritually, mentally, and emotionally so much that you (and your family) no longer recognizes you.
- You keep trying to go back to the way it was. The only thing keeping you in the relationship is your memory of how it was in the beginning during the honey moon phase. If you focused on the current state of the relationship, you’d see that it’s not worth staying.
- You’re walking on egg shells to keep him happy. Everything you do makes him angry.
- You’re continuously giving and sacrificing with no return on the investment. You feel like you’re the only one contributing financially, emotionally, mentally, and physically.
- There’s a lack of trust. You have to check in everywhere “that you’re allowed” to go and if you stay too long, you’re accused of cheating.
- He wants to control everything you do and say.
- Whenever you’re with him, you don’t feel good enough. This is also known as a lack of self-worth.
- He does not support your efforts to progress or improve. Whenever you want to do something for yourself, such as going back to school, he comes up with petty reasons why you shouldn’t.
- You’re just not happy anymore. Love should never cost you your happiness. Jesus came that we might have life more abundantly. If you’re not experiencing an abundance of joy, peace, and love in your relationships, it’s time for you to move on.
God would never put you in a situation where your health, peace and over well-being are being threatened. He loves you unconditionally and only ordains relationships that mirror the relationship that Christ has with the church. For tips on how to get out of a toxic relationship, click here.